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Dániel Máté Mészöly

Sub-Principal, 1st Violin

Daniel Meszoly-min

As a member of the Royal Northern Sinfonia as well as the English Chamber Orchestra, Dániel feels lucky to be able to call two amazing cities such as Newcastle and London his home. He started playing the violin in Hungary before moving to Scotland in 2010 to study at the Royal Conservatoire of Scotland which was supported by the Help Musicians UK Parikian Award.

During his time in Scotland he had the opportunity to attend masterclasses with Leland Chen, Alina Ibragimova, Ilya Gringolts and Rachel Podger, and to perform the Sibelius Violin Concerto with the Royal Scottish National Orchestra.

Dániel also often works with the London Symphony Orchestra, Scottish Chamber Orchestra and BBC Symphony Orchestra. When he isn’t playing in orchestras he likes to dedicate his time to teaching and chamber music which are both very close to his heart.

He is the leader and co-artistic director of the award-winning Broen Ensemble, a young and exciting string ensemble exploring the rich repertoire written for strings from trio to large ensemble. As a member of the Sinopia Quartet he has played every part except the cello (as of yet), and has travelled around Scotland extensively.

Among other things he loves photography and programming, but not as much as his violin which was made by Joseph Hill in 1756.