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The Glasshouse

We used to be Sage Gateshead. New name. Same great place for live music lovers.

Home  →  Make Music  →  Young People  →  Bursaries


Make Music: Young People is open to all children and young people, whatever their circumstances.

We are keen to encourage applicants from the widest possible range of backgrounds to access a bursary where needed.

  • Many students don’t have to pay any fees at all.
  • In 2022-23 families received over £230,000 of bursaries.
  • 75% of CAT students received a bursary.
  • To find out more about how we support children and young people to study music and how to apply for bursary funding, please contact

We have two primary bursaries that are run by the team at The Glasshouse. Details of how to apply are provided when accepting a place on the programme following the audition process. Applications must be received by the deadline in July and decisions are normally made within a fortnight. Please also see below for information on external bursaries that are available.

Music and Dance Scheme

Students on our Centre for Advanced Training are able to apply for a bursary from the Department for Education’s Music and Dance Scheme. These are means tested bursaries based on a calculation of household income, taking into account other factors, such as benefits and number of people in household. Those who have a household income (after deductions) of less than £31,481 will receive £3,840 (22/23 figures). In 2023/24 CAT core curriculum fee will be £3,000 for the year, the remaining c.£840 can be used for a second study or youth ensemble, or for external musical activity. It can also be used for music related costs such as materials or even travel costs.

We have an allocation of 70 grants per year from the Department for Education, if every applicant needed the full amount this would be granted (this is normally around 50% of our students). As the CAT has a student intake of around 80 – 85 students each year, there is a higher chance than you might think that you would be eligible, so we strongly recommend that you apply. Partial bursaries are issued up to a maximum household income of £69,261.

David Goldman and Netherton Park Trust Bursaries

Our Ensemble, Foundation and Step Up Programme students can apply for funding from the David Goldman Bursary and the Netherton Park Trust Bursary. We assess this using information on household income, housing status, free school meals and family size.  All the assessments are done in house, with the guidance of a committee, and we are able to accept appeals for special circumstances.

The money available each year can vary depending on how financial markets are performing, and is finite. Therefore a greater volume of applicants, or poorly performing financial markets, can result in participants receiving a different amount than the previous year. We prioritise households with an income of below £30,000, and would therefore suggest if you have a household income above this amount that you also investigate the other bursaries recommended below.

NB: We do allow participants to apply to both the Music and Dance Scheme and David Goldman and Netherton Park Trust Bursaries, however we expect students to use money from their MDS bursary to pay Ensemble fees, and can only grant further funds in exceptional circumstances.

External Opportunities

Awards for Young Musicians

Awards are available to young instrumentalists aged 5 – 17. All genres welcome.
The application deadline is early March every year
For more information –
Applicants can request a recommendation from The Glasshouse when they apply, and they will also need a reference from their instrumental teacher.

Future Talent Bursaries

Future Talent is a very special charity that gives financial support and guidance to young musicians aged between 5 and 18 who are clearly demonstrating outstanding musical ability or potential, but for whatever reason do not have the financial means to reach their goal.
3 financial awards available depending on age and circumstances.
Applications for bursaries and scholarships open in the Spring.
For more information –

Young Musicians Fund

Established in 1996 by Kathryn Tickell to develop the musical skills of children and young people in Tyne & Wear, Northumberland and Durham under the age of 18 who are struggling to pay for tuition fees or want help to purchase an instrument. There are two application deadlines per year (approx. May and September)

Application page
Fund homepage

Christine Brown Trust

The Christine Brown Trust for Young Musicians offers financial support to exceptionally talented young musicians under 19 years of age, who are UK residents and who are experiencing financial hardship

Hinrichsen Foundation

A foundation aiming to support and promote contemporary music by providing funding for projects, the commission of new work, recording and publication.

The Wingate Foundation

The Wingate Foundation recognises that music is seriously under-funded in the UK and will consider applications for support in the areas of music performance and education. An important criterion will be whether, in the opinion of the Trustees, the funding sought will make a significant difference to the applicant’s prospects.

Hattori Foundation

Instrumental soloists between the ages of 15 and 20 who are resident in the UK and have demonstrated both exceptional talent and achievement may apply at any time of the year for financial assistance towards travelling expenses to attend national or international competitions, master classes within the UK or abroad and specific assistance in the case of hardship.