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The Glasshouse

We used to be Sage Gateshead. New name. Same great place for live music lovers.



Posted on 9 October 2019

In Harmony Keepmoat and Newcastle College_small

Pupils at In Harmony school Hawthorn Primary took delivery of some fantastic new storage for their musical instruments and books thanks to Keepmoat Homes and Newcastle College.

Every child at Hawthorn Primary School in Elswick learns an orchestral instrument through In Harmony Newcastle Gateshead, delivered by Sage Gateshead. The programme aims to inspire and transform the lives of children in deprived communities using the power and disciplines of group music-making.

Construction students at Newcastle College built the storage using materials donated by Keepmoat Homes.

Geoff Scott, Social and Economic Impact Manager at Keepmoat, said: “We were contacted by Hawthorn Primary School earlier in the year to see if we could help them with some storage for their musical instruments and library books. As the school is a short distance from our development ‘The Rise’ in Scotswood we were keen to support.

“We contacted one of our partners, Newcastle College, to see if they would also like to support and give their joinery students a real life project to work on. Newcastle College were happy to help so the project went ahead.

“Under the supervision of staff at the college the students did a great job. This is a great example of partnership working to support the local community, something that Keepmoat Homes are always keen to support.”

Jane Dube, Headteacher at Hawthorn Primary, said: “The children are thrilled with the new storage that makes it quicker and easier to collect their cellos when they have music classes and rehearsals. Donations and support like this make such a difference to us as a small school with a limited budget.

“As a result of the new storage we have also been able to free up some space around school that we can develop to support children’s learning.”

Delivered by Sage Gateshead and funded by Arts Council England and Department for Education, In Harmony Newcastle Gateshead is one of six projects in England and ensures every child is immersed in music on a weekly basis. It takes place at Hawthorn Primary School and recently expanded to nearby Bridgewater School in Scotswood, its attached nursery and nearby Rye Hill Community Nursery.

Musical skills, confidence and self esteem, educational attainment and health and well-being are improved through learning about and taking part in orchestral music-making.