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The Sage Gateshead Interviews: Binker Golding

Posted on 13 January 2020

Binker Golding

What was the first record you bought?

I think it was Guns n’ Roses “Appetite for Destruction”. It was in a Sainsbury’s & I used my birthday money. I was about 7 or 8, I don’t remember. The woman at the counter told me “If you don’t like it you can always bring it back” which I always thought was pretty funny.


Where in the world would you like to play that you have not already?



Who was the first band/artist you ever saw perform live?

Oddly enough the first proper, proper gig I saw was Belle & Sebastian at the big venue in Hammersmith. I just went because my sister was into them & I wanted to see a rock gig. I’d seen a few jazz & classical things before that though. I think I saw Humphrey Lyttelton when I was very young.


What is your idea of perfect happiness?

Being able to practice & compose with no disturbance for a day then watching a good film whilst eating pizza with a nice woman whom I’m in a sexual relationship with.


Who are your favourite writers?

Ernest Hemingway & Henry Miller.


Who are your favourite painters?

Caravaggio & Jackson Pollock. I like Egon Schiele too.


If you could collaborate with any other artists, living or dead, who would you choose?

Marina Abramovic.


What are you listening to at the moment?

Mainly the Chopin 24 preludes. I also keep listening to the Damien Jurado song A.M AM used in the documentary “Wild Wild Country”.


Where’s your favourite place to go on holiday?

I don’t go on holiday, I just work constantly. I want to do a road trip through the desert states in America though. Outside of that, New York is my favourite place on earth.


Best advice you can give to emerging talent?

The simple answer is work hard. Most people’s idea of hard work isn’t even close. If you want to be extraordinary you have to behave in an extraordinary fashion. The sacrifices are unfortunate but worth it in a perverse way.


Binker Golding plays Sage Gateshead on 22 March.