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Unique inclusive ensemble gives free concert at Sage Gateshead

Posted on 30 August 2019


A group of disabled and non-disabled musicians featuring members of Royal Northern Sinfonia (RNS) will perform a free concert on September 7.

The group – RNS Moves – is a unique and inclusive ensemble, made up of members of RNS plus Adrian Lee (guitar), James Risdon (recorder), Philip Howells (percussion), and Clarence Adoo (Headspace, a breath-controlled electronic instrument). They will perform traditional classical works adapted for the ensemble, as well as contemporary pieces – including some written by the performers themselves.

This will be the group’s second performance, following on from the success of the inaugural RNS Moves as part of the orchestra’s 60th Anniversary celebrations in September 2018.

Adrian Lee, visually impaired guitarist and composer of the work ‘Paraphrases’ that will be performed, said: “This project makes it possible for people from different walks of life and with different abilities to show what we can do together and for audiences to see and hear this. This project is paving the way for other musicians such as myself.”

As well as specifically adapted classical pieces and new works, members of the group will perform free improvisations led by Adrian and Clarence, demonstrating their musical prowess and instruments’ capabilities. Clarence Adoo will also lead a demonstration of the Headspace instrument.

About the project, Dr Clarence Adoo MBE said: “For me, this is very special. It is musically fantastic, and I’m thrilled to see all musicians playing on a level playing-field and accepted for what they can do.”

RNS Moves take place on Saturday 7 September at 6pm and will last approximately one hour without an interval. It is free but ticketed, and tickets are available here.