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Ravenswood Primary School: Discover and Explore

January 2018 saw our Arts Award programme kick off with an exciting project between Sage Gateshead and Ravenswood Primary School.

As part of an Artsmark Journey with Sage Gateshead exploring music inclusivity, Head Teacher Clive Maddison commissioned our resident artist, Toby Heaps, and Project Leader, Paul Martin, to work with a group of students who were interested in graffiti art as a way to make their school music room more inviting.

The young people came up with a design that they wanted to paint on the wall of their new music room and over two days, the young people worked with the artists to create the mural. They learned spray can techniques, assisted on fill in duties and helped choose the colours.

As part of this project Paul designed a bespoke Discover in a Day Arts Award for the group. The group completed this in advance with their teacher and passed with flying colours!

The group also started an Explore Arts Award as part of this project and are currently working on completing the award over the next few months.

This project was a huge success and the school loved their new artwork. The group had a great time being part of the creation of the piece and engaging with a new art form.