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Lucien hits the high notes

5 Minutes

Lucien YMP

Lucien joined Sage Gateshead’s Young Musicians Programme (YMP) when he was eight years old.  Inspired from an early age by his grandfather, a trumpet player who conducted brass bands in the North East, Lucien became interested in classical music and particularly jazz, listening to musicians like Louis Armstrong, Miles Davis and Wynton Marsalis.  A memorable visit to Sage Gateshead to watch classical trumpeter Alison Balsom encouraged him further.

Young Musicians Programme runs every weekend during term time and is open for all children and young people aged four to 19 who are interested in music and want to learn.

Lucien attends with the support of a grant. His grandmother Liz credits the bursary scheme with enabling Lucien to reach his potential.

Liz said: “The grant is a wonderful thing and without it he wouldn’t be able to attend. It’s been a fantastic experience for Lucien all these years, the number of people he’s been in contact with and been taught by.

“The whole ethos is very positive and everyone supports one another, there’s a good balance between hard work and having fun.”

Lucien, now 17, has been part of YMP for nearly 10 years. He studies trumpet with Marion Craig (trumpet in Royal Northern Sinfonia and Wind and Brass Study Leader for YMP).

Marion said: “Watching Lucien develop into a very accomplished trumpet player at YMP has been extremely gratifying.  He has achieved everything that we could have hoped for and all of us at YMP are so proud of his amazing success in the recent auditions to study at music conservatoire this Autumn.”

Lucien has also been a member of the youth jazz ensemble Jambone and youth orchestra Young Sinfonia.

Lucien said: “The best thing about being part of YMP is the people. I’ve met so many and some of them I’ve known from the start. We have loads of fun in the classes, it’s brilliant. It’s something I look forward to after a busy week at college.”

Since joining the programme, Lucien has performed on all of Sage Gateshead’s main stages including performing at the YMP Summer and Winter festivals and a pre-concert performance with Royal Northern Sinfonia in Sage One. He has also played in venues across the region and taken part in residential courses with Young Sinfonia and Jambone.

He said: “Through my involvement with YMP I’ve done a lot of things I may not have done otherwise and the residentials are always fun. Rehearsals can be intense but I also find the experience quite relaxing.”

Lucien is looking forward to the next stage in his learning and has recently accepted a place at Royal Birmingham Conservatoire where he’ll start in September.

“I successfully applied for six conservatoires and decided to accept a place at Royal Birmingham Conservatoire,” he added.

“I’m looking forward to having lessons with my new tutor and studying a wide range of music including jazz and classical. It’s a four-year BMus course at Royal Birmingham Conservatoire and I hope to take a postgraduate course in trumpet performance as well. After that I’d like to go into performance or teaching. I��d like to do that here at Sage Gateshead!”

Hannah Fumoleau, YMP Manager at Sage Gateshead, said: “We are really keen to encourage applicants from the widest range of backgrounds, making sure that everybody has the chance to learn music with us.

“We have specialist skills in music training and experience in working with children and young people experiencing challenging circumstances. Financial support is available through grants and bursaries.”

To find out more about the Young Musicians Programme visit